Clean-Pro Carpet Cleaning Southover

Carpet Cleaning in Southover

  • Carpets, Curtains & Upholstery
  • Friendly, Reliable carpet cleaners
  • Experienced, Fully Insured
  • We use Natural, Eco-friendly & odourless products
  • Only 30 minutes drying time

We are one of the original Upholstery and Carpet Cleaning Services in Southover. We give you a premium clean, as well as excellent customer satisfaction. When it comes to cleaning carpets, curtains and upholstery, nobody does a finer job than us. Our clientele acknowledge that we are among the most reputable cleaning companies in East Sussex.

Clean-Pro utilizes exclusively top of the line rug cleaning tools. Our Southover cleaners are highly passionate, experienced and thoroughly trained in the usage of all kinds of spot treatment approaches, spot removers, hot steam cleaners, Carpet cleaning solutions and systems. We make sure that all avenues are used when giving the best cleaning services to you.

Carpets present colour, warmth, styling and noise minimisation to a space. They are basically clothing for floor surfaces! They additionally do a wonderful duty for you year long as the tiny fibres lock in dust, dirt, pollen, and grime and eradicate this from the air.

Our detergent free cleaning ensures a remarkable wash that you can truly observe. Our practical knowledge makes certain all dirt is loosened from the small fibres and got rid off to present you a comprehensive clean. As usual, Clean-Pro Curtain, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners in Southover always vacuum the carpet before cleaning to make certain all dry filth is extracted. We exclusively use non-bleaching dependent solutions with warranted no shrinking. Plus, as a result of our Dry Fusion and Ozone System, we make sure your rugs and carpets are completely clean and dry inside 30 minutes!

Our solutions are CHEMICAL SUBSTANCE FREE! and thoroughly nontoxic for children, domestic pets and allergy sufferers.

Any kind of smells are removed and unsightly stains like sauces, ink, glucose, blood, wax, lipstick, tar, shoe polish, ketchup and food and beverage spots are eliminated with regular success!

Carpet Cleaning in Southover

Non-Allergenic Carpet Cleaning Southover
Non-Allergenic Carpet Cleaning in Southover

We are continually modernising our cleaners to make certain that we are offering clients with the most thorough clean achievable. Our systems are specially designed to remove any kind of stain, dirt or grit from the deepest part of your carpets and rugs. This is not just more visually pleasing for the residents of the house, but also far healthier.

Most people will suppose that upholstery and carpets should be changed frequently after a certain amount of time, this is normally not true! Our practical cleaning treatments give a new lease of vitality with our Carpet, Curtain and Upholstery cleaning in Southover.

Dry Fusion Technique:

Dry Fusion is the only carpet cleaning process that hot cleans, removes smells, stain protects and then heat dries every kind of carpet. It is all in the same process, and, since it is trademarked, nobody else is using this extraordinary system of cleaning. By combining all the very best capabilities of hot water extraction (hot solution, "Shot of Steam"), the very best characteristics of dry cleaning (low moisture, mechanical agitation) and merging them in addition to the patented hot cleaning pad system that continually heats the fibres while they are being cleaned - you have some of the most spectacular results ever seen.

The cutting edge "Ozone Carpet Cleaner":

  • Eliminates 99% of most Bacteria in carpets and rugs.
  • Remains considerably cleaner for longer
  • 100% guarantee ALL spots will be removed with Stain Guard
  • Restoration Cleaning
  • No chemicals - No detergents

Overall, the Ozone System has consistently demonstrated superior microbiological effectiveness over a regular carpet cleaner. Your carpets and rugs will stay significantly cleaner for a lot longer, with no use of chemical compounds or detergents. You are guaranteed satisfaction by getting a brilliantly cleaned carpet!

We attend to Domestic (household) and Business customers. We undertake commercial carpet cleaning for hostipal wards, businesses, nursing homes, dining establishments, hotel accommodations, concert halls, sports and social clubs in East Sussex.

We can easily overcome virtually any variety of carpeting problem:

  • Motor oil
  • Pet fur and waste
  • Mud spots
  • Paint blotches
  • Spilt liquids (wine, beer, coffee, etc.) and foodstuff (including gravies and dressings)
  • Burn scars
  • Rust and mildew
  • Accumulated filth and grime

We even deliver upholstery cleaning solutions in Southover and also on-site curtain cleaning solutions in Southover.